EST. 1980

Kingsport Rec Soccer runs two separate seasons from September - November (Fall) and from March - May (Spring).

Divisions are offered for ages 3 - adult.

The mission of the program is to provide an opportunity to learn, practice and love the game of soccer - in a fun, family-friendly environment. All practices / games are held at Eastman Park at Horse Creek.


Kingsport Rec Soccer runs two separate seasons from March - May (Spring) and from September - November (Fall). Divisions are offered for ages 3 - adult.

The mission of the program is to provide an opportunity to learn, practice and love the game of soccer - in a fun, family-friendly environment. All practices / games are held at Eastman Park at Horse Creek.

Rec Soccer

For players U4-U19 interested in learning and practicing basic soccer skills and rules of the game - who are devoted to the enjoyment and love of playing without a strong emphasis on competition.

Tribe Soccer

For players U9-U15 with a basic knowledge of soccer skills and rules of the game - who are interested in competitive soccer and committed to attending additional training and games.

Adult League

For players ages 18+.



For Casual Play

Rec Soccer is open to players interested in learning and practicing basic soccer skills and rules of the game - who are devoted to the enjoyment and love of playing without a strong emphasis on competition. Players meet twice a week - on a set weekday and on Saturdays.

Teams are formed based on assessments, age, schools and player requests - and are coached by volunteers (typically parents).

Each player receives a team jersey by the first gameday - and will need athletic wear, socks, shin guards, soccer cleats, a ball and a water bottle.

Games are played in our house league, and players are given an equal amount of playing time provided they attend practices. Each player receives an award at the end of the season.

Assessments are set for the week of February 24 - and the Spring '25 Season kicks off the week of March 31.

Registration Fees range from $45 - $85 per player for one, 8-week season. There is a $30 discount for each additional child in the same household.

For a Competitive Edge

Tribe Soccer is open to players with a basic knowledge of soccer skills and rules of the game - who are interested in competitive soccer and committed to attending additional training and games. Players meet 2-4 times a week - on a set weekday, on Wednesdays (optional) and on Saturdays (plus an occasional Sunday).

Teams are formed based on assessments - and a modified draft procedure. Tribe Soccer provides a licensed and professional coach at all training sessions - and recruits a volunteer coach to assist with training and games.

Players are expected to purchase / order a uniform kit - and will need black shorts, black socks, shin guards, soccer cleats, a ball and a water bottle. 

Teams play games in our house league - and in the Tri-Cities Soccer League against other clubs. Each player receives an award at the end of the season.

The Spring '25 Season begins with assessments the week of February 24 - and preseason training starts the week of March 3. 

Registration Fees range from $225 - $235 (+uniform kit) per player for one, 11-week season. There is a $30 discount for each additional child in the same household.

*BOYS and GIRLS divisions may be combined to form COED teams - based on participation.

For Adulting

Our Adult League is open to players ages 18+. Teams play once a week on Wednesdays - with playoffs at the end of the season. 

Meet New Friends -

Players may register as a free agent - and will be assigned to a team.

Register a Team -

Players may register as a team by providing a team name during registration.

Register a Small Group - 

If you have a few friends that want to play - but don’t have enough for an entire team - everyone in your small group may register as part of a team by providing a team name during registration.

Players will need will need athletic wear, soccer cleats, shin guards with socks. Jerseys / team colors are generally agreed upon by the team. 

The 8-week program begins - TBD.

Registration fees range from $75 - $85 for one, 8-week season.


side by side...

Rec Soccer Tribe Soccer
COACH Volunteer Licensed
TRAINING 1 Hour / Week 2 Hours / Week
MATCHES In-house In-house (Rec)
+ MATCHES NA Tri-Cities Soccer League
SEASON 8 Weeks 11 Weeks
FEES $75-85 $225-235 + kit


  • What's the difference between Rec Soccer and Tribe Soccer?

    For Players U4-U19 -

    Rec Soccer is open to players interested in learning and practicing basic soccer skills and rules of the game - who are devoted to the enjoyment and love of playing without a strong emphasis on competition. Players meet twice a week - on a set weekday and on Saturdays.

    Teams are formed based on assessments, age, schools and player requests - and are coached by volunteers (typically parents).

    Each player receives a team jersey by the first gameday - and will need athletic wear, socks, shin guards, soccer cleats, a ball and a water bottle.

    Games are played in our house league, and players are given an equal amount of playing time provided they attend practices. Each player receives an award at the end of the season.

    Assessments are set for the week of February 24 - and the 8-week program kicks off the week of March 31. 

    For Players U9-U15 -

    Tribe Soccer is open to players with a basic knowledge of soccer skills and rules of the game - who are interested in competitive soccer and committed to attending additional training and games. Players meet 2-4 times a week - on a set weekday, on Wednesdays (optional) and on Saturdays (plus an occasional Sunday).

    Teams are formed based on assessments - and a modified draft procedure. Tribe Soccer provides a licensed and professional coach at all training sessions - and recruits a volunteer coach to assist with training and games.

    Players are expected to purchase / order a uniform kit - and will need black shorts, black socks, shin guards, soccer cleats, a ball and a water bottle. 

    Teams play games in our house league - and in the Tri-Cities Soccer League against other clubs. Each player receives an award at the end of the season.

    The 11-week program begins with assessments the week of February 24 - and preseason training starts the week of March 3. 

    Both programs are designed to foster a life-long love of the game within a format of fun.

  • Does KRS offer an adult division / league?

    Yes! Our Adult League is open to players ages 18+. Teams meet once a week - and play games in our house league with playoffs at the end of the season. The 8-week program begins - [TBA].

    Players may register as a free agent - and we'll assign you to a team.

    Players may register as a team by providing a team name during registration. 

    If you have a few friends that want to play - but don’t have enough for an entire team - everyone in your small group may register as part of a team by providing a team name during registration.

  • When do players practice / play?

    Rec Soccer U4 meets once a week - on Saturdays.

    Rec Soccer U5-U15 meet twice a week - on a set weekday and on Saturdays. 

    Rec Soccer U16-U19 (High School) meet once a week - on Mondays. 

    Tribe Soccer U9-U15 meet 2-4 times a week - on a set weekday, on Wednesdays (optional) and on Saturdays (plus an occasional Sunday).

    Adult Rec meets once a week - on Wednesdays.

  • Where are practices / games held?

    All practices / games are held in Kingsport at Eastman Park at Horse Creek and / or the Tribe Athletic Center. 

    See Field Layout below regarding Field Assignments.

     *Location subject to change – with sessions held in Kingsport at either Eastman Park and/or the Tribe Athletic Complex.

  • How do I register to play?

    Click HERE to create an account and register to play online.

  • Do you offer financial aid?

    It is the intent of KRS to provide all kids in our community the opportunity to play soccer - regardless of race, gender, creed, or income. 

    To achieve this vision, we offer financial aid to help reduce the financial burden associated with the fees to participate in our program.

    To request financial aid, login to PlayMetrics on a computer or mobile phone. Navigate to Club Programs located in the left-hand menu, and click the Financial Aid tab in the resulting view.  From here, click the Request Financial Aid button to begin the financial aid request process.

    Questions regarding our financial aid policy should be emailed to our Club Administrator.

  • Can I request a coach or teammate?

    Rec Soccer players may make one mutual friend request - when registering to play. Meaning - 1) multiple friend requests will be ignored, and 2) the friend requested must also request your player. KRS makes every effort to honor requests regarding team assignments. However, we receive numerous requests - and often it's not possible to honor all. 

    Adult Rec players may register as a team by providing a team name during registration. If you have a few friends that want to play - but don’t have enough for an entire team - everyone in your small group may register as part of a team by providing a team name during registration.

  • Can my player 'play up' an age division?

    Parents may seek permission for their child to 'play up' one age group (division) by written request to the Director of KRS at With the Director's recommendation, the respective Age Group Coordinator shall evaluate the player to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants. Upon their approval, the player shall be transferred to the new age group and assigned a team accordingly. (The US Youth Soccer Association regulations prohibit children from playing in age groups younger than their true age.)

  • What gear / equipment is needed?

    Rec Soccer players will need athletic wear, socks, shin guards, soccer cleats, a ball and a water bottle. Each player receives a team jersey by the first gameday.

    Tribe Soccer players are expected to purchase / order a uniform kit - and will need black shorts, black socks, shin guards, soccer cleats, a ball and a water bottle.

    Adult Rec players will need will need athletic wear, soccer cleats, shin guards with socks. Jerseys / team colors are generally agreed upon by the team. 

    Ball Sizes -

    • Size 3 - U4-8
    • Size 4 - U9-12
    • Size 5 - U13+
  • How are teams formed?

    Rec Soccer teams are formed based on assessments, age, schools and player requests. 

    Tribe Soccer teams are formed based on assessments - and a modified draft procedure. 

    NOTE - Players - and coaches - will be assigned to a team 1-2 weeks after assessments.

    Adult Rec teams are formed based on player requests and participation.  

    • Players may register as a free agent - and we'll assign you to a team.
    • Players may register as a team by providing a team name during registration. 
    • If you have a few friends that want to play - but don’t have enough for an entire team - everyone in your small group may register as part of a team by providing a team name during registration.
  • How will I know my team assignment?

    Players - and coaches - will be assigned to a team 1-2 weeks after assessments. Login to PlayMetrics on a computer or mobile phone - for your team assignment, schedule and notifications. 

    Most information regarding the season can be accessed directly from your PlayMetrics account - and you may also communicate with your coach and teammates.

    PlayMetrics is our primary form of communication - check your communication settings!

  • How do I volunteer to coach?

    Our volunteer coaches are the key to the success of our program - and a great deal of care goes into assembling the best team of coaches each season.

    We encourage everyone to volunteer during registration - regardless of experience. We can always find a place for you on our fields. 

    If you think you would be a great asset, but would like more details, please contact your Age Group Coordinator.


    The health and safety of our players is our number one priority – and our coaches play an important role in ensuring their well-being.

    ALL volunteers / coaches must complete these annual requirements (state and federal law) -

    Coaches, administrators and staff (volunteers, key club personnel, board members, etc) who have not completed the requirements are not allowed on the field with players.

    For detailed instructions on how to comlete the required online training and background check - email the Director of Kingsport Rec Soccer.

    NOTE - Coaches - who have completed the required online training and background check - will be assigned to a team 1-2 weeks after assessments.

  • Does KRS provide coaches training?

    Yes! We are committed to helping our coaches succeed, and we back that up with quality 'Coaches Training' at the beginning of each season. A wide-range of topics are covered - to benefit the rookie and the experienced coach.

  • What is your weather policy?

    If it appears the weather could affect a practice / game session, the following guidelines will be used to make decisions regarding cancellations -  

    • If the forecast windchill temperature is less than 40 degrees, the session may be rescheduled or canceled. 

    • If rain is expected, and the forecast windchill temperature is less than 45 degrees, the session may be rescheduled or canceled.

    • Drizzle or light rain will NOT automatically result in a session being rescheduled or canceled.

    The above guidelines will help direct decisions regarding cancellations. Keep in mind, weather forecasts can be inaccurate or can change suddenly. Decisions will be made based on the best available information. KRS uses the hourly forecast on the Weather Channel. 

    All reasonable attempts will be made to hold sessions as scheduled. Players should always dress appropriately for the weather - in layers with gloves, hats, etc. as needed.

    Cancelations will be communicated through PlayMetrics and posted on Facebook - if time permits. 

  • What is your refund policy?

    Requests for refunds will be considered - if the request is made via email to our Club Administrator for the following -

    • Illness / Injury
    • Unexpected life circumstance (i.e. job relocation)
    • Misjudgment of play (i.e. in week 1 a player has a terrible time and / or level play is too competitive for their enjoyment)

    *Requests made more than 3 weeks into a season - or made after a player is terminated due to a behavior violation - will not be considered.

  • How do I become a referee?

    We NEED referees! Referees ensure the game is fair, safe and fun. 

    Help support youth soccer, learn more about the game, make new friends and earn good money.

    Take the steps to becoming referee -

    Online Training (8-10 Hours) 

    Must Be Completed Prior to Field Session

    Field Session - TBA

    To Get Started - Click HERE

    *Per U.S. Soccer, new referees must be 13 years of age or older at the time they register.


Each age group is led by an Age Group Coordinator (AGC). The AGC oversees all aspects of a specific age group - and has their finger on the pulse of each team.

Your AGC is a valuable resource. Please contact your AGC with any question, concern or feedback.

If you're interested in an open position, please email the Director of KRS.*

*Stipend for each completed season.


Each age group is led by an Age Group Coordinator (AGC). The AGC oversees all aspects of a specific age group - and has their finger on the pulse of each team.

Your AGC is a valuable resource. Please contact your AGC with any question, concern or feedback.

If you're interested in an open position, please email the Director of KRS.*

*Stipend for each completed season.


Our volunteer coaches are the key to the success of our program - and a great deal of care goes into assembling the best team of coaches each season.

We encourage everyone to volunteer - regardless of experience. We can always find a place for you on our fields.

If you think you would be a great asset, but would like more details, please contact your Age Group Coordinator.




Our volunteer coaches are the key to the success of our program - and a great deal of care goes into assembling the best team of coaches each season.

We encourage everyone to volunteer - regardless of experience. We can always find a place for you on our fields.

If you think you would be a great asset, but would like more details, please contact your Age Group Coordinator.

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