EST. 1980
EST. 1980
Got questions? We have answers
All players must attend tryouts to be considered for a place on the team, even returning players.
All potential players must register for tryouts, even if injury prevents them from attending. We recommend that players attend all tryout dates for their age group.
If you are unable to attend tryouts, please contact Jinny Baker at
Yes, as needed. Please follow our social media for updates.
All tryouts will be held at Eastman Park in Kingsport.
There are two major factors which will guide the club in this decision.
First will be the players ability in comparison to the team they are to be on as a part of their birth year.
The second consideration will be the amount of playing time a player would receive if the player were to be allowed to play up.
The director of coaching will communicate which age group a player should attend if the club feels a player should tryout for an older age group.
All players should bring a soccer ball in the appropriate size for their age group, water, and shin guards.
While we do not have restrictions on this, we ask that you give your child and the coaching staff plenty of space to avoid distractions, especially during times like water breaks.
After tryouts players are placed on teams commensurate to their ability.
Depending on the number of players in an age group or grouping will depend on the number of teams we can create.
If we do not have a spot for a player, we create an individual soccer plan to keep the player connected to the club and developing.
Within days of the last tryout being completed for the specific age group/gender, an email will be sent out to all players who attended.
U9 - U12 players will be offered a spot for the Select Program in their age group. If the level of a U9 - U12 player is assessed and is not commensurate with the level of the Select team in their age group an alternate plan will be offered to the player.
U13 - U19 players will be offered a Premier or Select Team spot in their age group or combination of age groups. If the level of a U13 - U19 player is assessed and is not commensurate with the level of the Select team in their age group an alternate plan will be offered to the player.
If a team does not form in one of the U13 - U19 age groups an alternate plan will be offered to that group of players.
Parents and athletes will then have 48 hours from the date of receiving the acceptance email to accept their spot. After 48 hours, the acceptance window will close, and you will not be able to accept your spot.
During the tryout registration process, we begin to acquire preliminary information on placing your child on a team. Once a roster position is offered, that email will contain information on joining the club and paying the first payment.
All coaches are professionally licensed by the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) or NSCAA governing body. All coaches undergo an extensive criminal background check, training for concussion and cardiac awareness, and Safesport training. TCU staff will include a mix of returning coaches and new coaches.
The cost of our Select/Premier program is dependent upon the age group.
The fee structure for 2024/2025 will be released soon.
Once you have been selected for a team, and completed the online registration, you will be sent an email directly from to purchase uniforms and practice gear.
The new uniform cycle will begin Fall 2024. All players will be required to purchase a new uniform kit, and training gear.
Our main complex is Eastman Park, 2969 Sullivan Gardens Parkway in Kingsport. At times, we may utilize other practice fields around the Tri-Cities.
U9-U12 boys and girls teams practice 2 nights per week with an optional third night for technical training.
U13-U19 boys and girls teams practice 3 nights per week.
If you have questions regarding registration,
Playmetrics, or uniforms, please contact Lucas Christiansen at